Grocery Coupons Tips: January 2012
Keywords: coupons, couponing, pay off debt, savings, dining out, coupon statistics
According to a survey by conducted by RedPlum, of 23,000+ shoppers, a staggering 96 percent of those polled said they would still use coupons even if they won a big lottery. This number represents how value-minded people have become since the onset of the recession and the meaning of saving every penny.
COUPONING CAN BE COOL: The same study also found that according to parents, teens (13 to 17 year-olds) use coupons or coupon codes. The teens, however, are using coupons and coupon codes for items most important to them such as clothing (25 percent), entertainment (19 percent) and beauty and grooming care (18 percent). Even so, it’s never too early to start!
COUPONS ARE HELPING CONSUMERS PAY OF DEBTS: More often than not, people are putting their coupon savings toward paying down debt, long-term savings and an emergency fund, according the survey. Only 7 percent said they will use the money saved from couponing to treating themselves to something they do not need. Similar categories (such as vacations, dining out and entertainment) experienced decreases compared to last year's findings as areas of desired spend. Seventy-seven percent said they save $11+ each week, compared to 67 percent in 2010. Even more, there has been a 74 percent increase in the number of people who save more than $50 each week – 23 percent.
RISING PRICES OF FOOD AND GAS MAKE SHOPPERS LOOK FOR SAVINGS: Not surprising at all, the grocery category continues to be number one for savings with 92 percent, indicating they are using coupons for those everyday needs. Additionally, 45 percent are using coupons for dining out; 38 percent for clothing; and 35 percent for cosmetics and beauty products.
In the first half of 2011, Americans saved $2 billion, according to the U.S. Mid-year 2011 Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Coupon Facts Report, released in July by NCH Marketing Services, Inc., a Valassis subsidiary.
- 92.5 million adult Internet users will use online coupons in 2012
- 96.8 million adult Internet users will use online coupons in 2013
- Every hour spent couponing in 2011 is worth an estimated $100
- Moms are roughly twice as likely to search for coupons online as other categories of women
- 52% of coupon users spend over 15 minutes per week searching for coupons
- 25% of coupon users spend between 30 minutes and 60 minutes searching for coupons per week
- $485 billion worth of coupons were distributed in 2010
- Consumers saved $3.7 billion using coupons in 2010
- Digital offers increased by 37% in 2010
- The face value of coupons in 2010 increased 6.6%, to an average of $1.46 per coupon.
- According to the survey mentioned, a typical family saves between $5.20 and $9.60/week using coupons (customers who devote 20 minutes a week collecting and organizing coupons reportedly are able to save up to $1,000/year, and the average weekly savings on groceries of the 46% who spend less than ten minutes/week on couponing activities are $7.00).
- Approximately 20% of US Internet users have downloaded online coupons, and over 40% of those coupons were redeemed.
- Surprisingly, a survey by shows that U.S. consumers with higher incomes are more likely to use online coupons. The survey of 1000 customers with Internet access shows that 58% of lower income households (below $35,000/year) had used an online coupon at least once in the past six months, compared to 74 % of households with incomes between $35,000 and $74,000 and 84% of households with incomes of $75,000 or above.
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